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Intent - what do we want children to learn?

 At Bucklesham Primary School, we strive to create a culture which aims to inspire an active generation to enjoy PE, encourage each other, challenge themselves, be curious and achieve. We provide a safe and supportive environment for pupils to flourish in a range of different physical activities which is essential in supporting their physical, emotional, spiritual, social and moral development.

At Bucklesham we offer a dynamic, varied and stimulating program of activity to ensure that all pupils progress physically through an inspirational, unique and fully inclusive PE curriculum. We encourage all pupils to develop their understanding of the way in which they can use their body, equipment and apparatus safely yet imaginatively to achieve their personal goals. All pupils have the opportunity to enjoy being physically active, maintain a healthy lifestyle and using the medium of sport, increase their self-esteem. We aspire for pupils to adopt a positive mind-set and have the courage to believe that any challenge can be achieved with determination and resilience.

Aims of Physical Education

  • to promote fitness, health and well-being
  • to develop the way children perform skills and apply rules and conventions for different activities;
  • to develop the children’s ability to use what they have learned to improve the quality, control and co-ordination of their performance;
  • to teach children to recognise and describe how their bodies feel during exercise and to develop an understanding of how physical exercise can affect their body ;
  • to develop the children’s enjoyment of physical activity through creativity and imagination;
  • to understand the need for safe practices in physical activity and how to develop an understanding in children of how to succeed in a range of physical activities and how to evaluate their own success.
  • to encourage pupils to participate in all activities.
  • to develop positive attitudes to physical endeavour, including perseverance, fair play and sporting behaviour as well as the ability to cope with success and failure

Implementation - how will we achieve our intent?

Teaching and learning:

  • We encourage a practical approach to PE, using a range of resources, particularly those from Sports England and from iMoves.
  • We encourage pupils to compete in (inter/intra school) competitions, to promote team working and good sportsmanship;
  • To enable pupils to develop and explore physical skills with increasing control and coordination;
  • To develop the way pupils perform skills and apply rules and conventions for different activities;
  • To increase pupil’s ability to use what they have learnt to improve the quality and control of their performance;
  • To teach pupils to recognise and describe how their bodies feel during exercise;
  • To develop the pupil’s enjoyment of physical activity through creativity and imagination;
  • To develop an understanding in pupils of how to succeed in a range of physical activities and how to evaluate their own success;
  • To encourage a healthy lifestyle.  We aim for 60 active minutes a day for every child.
  • A two yearly long term plan is devised making reference to previous teaching to ensure that the breadth of curriculum is delivered in our mixed year group classes using iMoves PE curriculum.
  • PE topics are planned so that they build upon prior learning, making changes where necessary to the planning to meet the needs of mixed year group classes and to ensure learning is relevant and engaging for the pupils.

Language development:

  • Pupils are given many opportunities to make discuss, justify and explain their ideas
  • Teachers model technical vocabulary and support pupils’ in developing and using this correctly
  • Opportunities to give feedback following peer or self review/assessment to support the progress of skills and knowledge


  • Where appropriate, photographs and recordings may be taken to support pupils and teachers in analysing performance and giving feedback to enable progress

British values and Culture Capital:

  • Questioning pupils throughout lessons
  • Promote fair play and team work in lesson
  • Encourage good sportsmanship throughout PE Sessions
  • Listening to teacher and peer feedback
  • Promote trust with peers through team building activities
  • Sports ambassadors leading lunchtime clubs
    • Encouraging extra-curricular activities
  • Gaining an understanding of different sports and their foundations
    • Promoting team work throughout lessons
  • PE recognises individual differences.
  • There is an ethos where the views of individual pupils are listened to and respected within an acceptable framework.
  • Pupils are taught safely and about safety.
  • Pupils are taught about age appropriate rules, fairness and respect, through a variety of PE activities.
  • Pupils learn to work individually and in groups.
  • An established ethos in PE with regard to how to win and lose fairly and understand good sportsmanship.
  • Competition against oneself is encouraged in addition to competition against others.
  • Pupils are taught about the need for different roles and different responsibilities, including teamwork and decision making
  • Opportunities to interact with other schools during Sports Partnership activities

Cross Curricular links:

  • Aspects of team work, sportsmanship and collaboration are embedded across the curriculum
  • Strong physical development supports writing and dexterity

Impact - what will it look like when we have achieved our intent?

Our PE curriculum motivates children to participate in a variety of sports which are engaging and fun. We inspire children to instinctively utilise skills and knowledge acquired during PE lessons, encouraging them to take responsibility for their own health and fitness so they can develop a love of sport leading to a happy and healthy life.  We have achieved the Platinum Award for School Games and pupil voice about PE is strong.

We receive specialist coaching support for classes each week in one of the planned games areas. Our specialist coaches also provide football, dance and multi-sports coaching at our school as an after-school activity on a payment basis.

Years 5 and 6 swim once a week for the autumn and summer terms of every year at the Felixstowe Leisure Centre and Years 3 and 4 swim once a week in the spring term. The children work towards County awards, taught by a qualified instructor at the pool and by the class teacher (shallow end) who has the minimum of a shallow water certificate.

Years 5 and 6 take part in a residential Outdoor Adventurous holiday every other year which includes activities such as zip wire, abseiling, and the assault courseYear 6 also takes part in a sailing day every year as part of the planned Federation Day activities.