Meet the Governors
Welcome to the Governors' section. Our Governors do an amazing job, voluntarily working for our school and the children. Below is some more information about our Governors.
The Governors of Bucklesham Primary School meet at least once each term. They undertake a wide range of important duties related to the running of the school. The Parent Governors in particular are a vital link between the school and our local community.
If you are interested in becoming a Governor, please contact any one of the Governors through the school, or the Headteacher regarding any possible vacancies. Both the Government and Suffolk LA stress the need for active, committed Governors, and we are very lucky here to have had an excellent group of people working for your children.
Chair of Governors
Ms Charlotte Gammons (Wellbeing, Attendance, Maths, Safeguarding)
Miss Rachael Rudge - Headteacher
Ms Laura Kuzminsky - Staff Governor
Mrs Nuziatina Catalanotto (SEND)
Mrs Lucy Beston (Curriculum)
Mr Simon Powell - Parent Governor (PE and Finance)
Mrs Sophie Lyons - Parent Governor (Phonics and Literacy) Vice Chair
Mr Alex Hynes (Online Safety, Health and Safety)
Mrs Margaret Gammons (Finance and EYFS)
Contacting the Governing Body
We are always keen to seek the views of parents, so please come and chat if you see us in the school or at any school function.
Alternatively, please contact the Chair of Governors, Charlotte Gammons, through the school office.
The governing body, together with Miss Rudge our headteacher, is responsible for the overall governance of the school ensuring that it is run efficiently and effectively to provide the very best education for our children. In brief, our role is as follows:
- Setting the strategic direction of the school ensuring its vision and ethos are met;
- Developing, monitoring and challenging the School Development Plan to ensure standards are met and holding the head teacher to account for the performance of the school and its pupils;
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and ensuring its money is well spent and our finances are well managed.
Governors provide their time on a voluntary basis and the governing body is made up of representatives of school staff, parents and the Local Authority.
The Full Governing Body meets once a half term to discuss and review many areas, including: School budget, school policies, Headteacher’s termly report and progress against the school’s development plan.
In addition, our Governors all champion specific areas of school improvement, e.g. Teaching and Learning, Pupil Outcomes, Early Years, SEND, Curriculum, Safeguarding, Attendance and Wellbeing. Each term our Governors will monitor these areas and provide a report to the FGB for discussion.
Governors hold an important public office, so in the interests of transparency, the governing body publishes details of pecuniary interests including any governance roles in other educational institutions or any material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives).
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor. No Governors haev any material interests arising from relationships between Governors or between Governors and school staff.
Details of our Governors past 12 months
Name |
Date of Appointment |
Term of Office |
Appointed by |
Pecuniary interest |
Sophie Lyons
Simon Powell |
27.3.24 |
4 years
4 years |
Parents |
Teaches at another school
Nil |
Lucy Beston |
1.9.22 |
4 Years |
Local Authority |
Nil Also a Governor at another school |
Charlotte Gammons |
19.10.2021 |
4 Years |
Co-opted |
Nil |
Laura Kuzminsky |
17.07.23 |
4 Years |
Staff |
Nil |
Rachael Rudge |
25.04.22 |
4 Years
Governing Body |
Staff member |
Alex Hynes
Margaret Gammons |
15.4.24 |
4 Years
4 years |
Governing Body Governing Body |
Nil |
Nuziatina Catalanotto |
25.3.24 |
4 Years |
Governing body |
Nil |
Mark Andrews
Robert Wragg |
1.5.24 |
4 Years Stepped down March 24 4 years Resigned 2.12.24 |
Co-opted |
Nil |
Details Of Our Committees
Finance, Health and Safety and Premises
Miss Rachael Rudge - Headteacher
Mr Simon Powell
Mrs Margaret Gammons
Mr Alex Hynes (H&S)
Miss Rachael Rudge - Headteacher
Charlotte Gammons - Chair
Nuziatina Catalanotto
Lucy Beston
Headteachers Performance Management
Charlotte Gammons - Chair
Robert Wragg
Margaret Gammons
Rachael Rudge - Headteacher
External Advisor
Charlotte Gammons - Chair
2 Governors as appropriate
Rachael Rudge - Headteacher